This short animated documentary forms the key-stone of an online campaign to free Charles Byrne - The Irish Giant. We demand that Charles Byrne's body be immediately removed from public display and returned to the Irish state to be given a dignified and long overdue burial at sea. It's time to let him go.
In this episode, our heroes Kimono & Chibby Chan encounter aliens, ufo's, atomic explosions, the army, giant bunnies and of course...Tarantula, on a quest of life, death and music.
Watch KIMONO & CHIBBY CHAN in Tarantula here
'Zen Zen Wakaranai : No Idea' is a bilingual film using both Japanese and English language. It was created in Japan and Holland with a pan-national team of artists.
「ぜんぜんわからない:No Idea] は日本語と英語を使用したバイリンガル映像です。
様々な国のアーティスト達の協力のもと、日本とオランダで制作されました。 Watch ZEN ZEN WAKARANAI : NO IDEA