chibbychannel.com is an online venue for international cartoons, film & games...straight to your brain. The Chibby Channel is programmed and produced by Studio Future Cartoons. Founded by Fay Heady in 2013, Studio Future Cartoons is a strong team of passionate animators, artists, musicians and writers based in Amsterdam, with many other collaborators around the world. Future Cartoons creates animation, films & series for the internet, companies, events, performance and television.
About Fay Heady - Creative Director
Fay Heady is an animator, director and artist. Born in Dublin in 1990, she moved to Amsterdam at the age of 11. In 2012 she graduated from the 2D Animation course at HKU University of Art Media and Technology, Holland, with an MA in Creative Design for Digital Cultures. Her studies in animation brought her to Tokyo. Being able to speak Japanese enabled her to serve an internship at Anime Studio GONZO where she received her training, in Japanese, from Master Animators at the studio. Later on, during her time as an exchange student at Kyushu University Japan, she collaborated with Japanese artists on films, an exhibition, comic-book and games. In 2013 she founded Studio Future Cartoons and The Chibby Channel. She annually curates Fay's Film Festival and presents weekly arts and culture TV show Future Vision Amsterdam. Fay enjoys international projects and collaborations and would be delighted to hear from fellow artists. When not animating, Fay likes the playing video-games and the ukulele.
visit fayheady.com for more info. |