INFINITE BEATING is an odd-ball Smash Bros-esque fighter for 2-4 players
that was created by all participants of the jam "Warp-Zone: A Free Jam in Amsterdam". 6 artist worked on the art for Infinite Beating, giving it a uniquely mixed style. Looks include pixel art, watercolour painting, vector, digital painting and 3D.
  Credits: Erik van Wees, Ysbrand Otjes, Anne Bras, Jom Semah, Pim Willems, David Dielen, Viktor Trisjin, Molly Heady-Carroll & Chris (AKA Post-Human)
DOWNLOAD Infinite Beating game here |
Platforms: Windows (XP or higher)
Instructions: Download the game (choose "Keep" if prompted) and run the exe.

A classic FREE Game by Arcane Circus.
Battle it out or make beautiful music together. The choice is yours!

DOWNLOAD Shooty here
Platforms: Windows (XP or higher)
Instructions: Download the game (choose "Keep" if prompted) and run the exe.